Blog Archives

Migrating from AS3 to Swift

As iOS 11 no longer supports 32 bit apps, I’ve been revisiting an old app that was built in Flash/ActionScript3 (and packed in 32 bit) and decided it was an opportune moment to migrate it to native iOS Xcode/Swift. Migration

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Posted in AIR, Flash, Swift

Migrating to Codable from NSCoding

For those who came in late: Apple introduced the `Codable` protocol in Swift 4, which allows you to encode and decode your model types to data types such as JSON and property lists, and can be used instead of the

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Posted in Swift

Migrating to Swift 4 / iOS 11

Ah, it’s migration season again, that time when all the Swifts fly to the fertile breeding grounds of version 4. 🙂 In the past, migrating your code was a big deal when a new version of Swift was introduced –

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Posted in Swift